Become a Mentor
Student led, flexible commitment, socialization, and decreasing stress for underclassman in the department.
Our program was started in December of 2020 by Center for Law, Society, and Justice advisor Martine Delannay. Since then, we have grown to have more than 20 mentors and a large group of mentees.
Our goal is to help get rid of the stress and confusion around the Criminal Justice certiciate and Legal Studies major before and after declaration through study and class help, quick responses, fun activities, and a laid-back student-run rhetoric.
We are always open to having more student mentors. Mentors are not required to do one-on-one mentoring, and can choose how much time they wish to commit to the program. They have the power to create and lead and take on responsibility in whatever way they wants (like book clubs, movie clubs, newsletters, and more).
Through our program, you'll receive a lasting reference for future internships and jobs, a group of friends with similar interests, and a network of people to help with new opportunities. (It also looks great on a resume).
You have the option to help year round and use your strengths in many ways.
If you are interested in become a mentor (even in summertime the program will be doing things), please reach out to Martine Delannay at